As lifelong educators, we know that our lived experiences shape us – and our schools – in important ways. And as writers, we know the power of the written word to bring people together around common educational experiences and goals. Well-Schooled, the site for educator storytelling, has a simple mission: to share first-person narratives about teaching, learning, and leading throughout the school year.

Jessica is the Dean of Faculty and Employees and Director of the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning at Rye Country Day School and an Adjunct Professor at the Klingenstein Center, where she teaches Strategic Communications for Academic Leaders. She is an editor of Klingbrief and holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Pennsylvania, where she developed an emergent leadership framework based on the experiences of women heads of large, K-12 independent schools.

Ann has spent 40 years in independent schools, serving as the head of Laurel School in Shaker Heights, OH, since 2004. There, she follows the lives and learning of 550 girls and very small boys. She typically teaches 9th grade English each year and teaches drama to younger girls. Her writing has appeared in NAIS’ Independent School magazine, the Independent Ideas blog, Education Week, the Brevity Blog, and in other journals. Check out more of her writing at

Ari is a storyteller, editor, and organizer. She is a research scientist at the American Communities Project based at The George Washington University. Previously, she was digital editor/producer at the National Association of Independent Schools. She has held writing and editing roles at ABC News, The Christian Science Monitor, and Campaigns & Elections magazine. She has an MPA from New York University and a BA from Penn State.